
Higher Education Research and Development

Explore research and development (R&D) data and trends at U.S. higher education institutions. Topics include field of research, source of funds, type of research, headcounts of R&D personnel, medical schools, and amount and cost of research infrastructure space, including construction, repair, and renovation.

Higher Education Research and Development Highlights

Federal Science and Engineering Support for Academic Institutions Increased 3% in FY 2022; Support to HBCUs Increased 19%.
This item is new.

Federal Science and Engineering Support for Academic Institutions Increased 3% in FY 2022; Support to HBCUs Increased 19%

June 10, 2024
Academic Research and Development.

Academic Research and Development

October 5, 2023

In the News

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HERD Survey Reveals Top U.S. Universities for R&D Funding In Engineering

Data from the Higher Education Research and Development Survey are used to rank U.S. universities' total R&D expenditures by major subfield in FY 2022.
January 5, 2024
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Higher Ed’s Research Footprint is Growing

Our data are cited on the growth of research space at colleges and universities over the past decade.
The Chronicle
March 20, 2023