
What’s New from NCSES

drawing of a megaphone on an otherwise empty chalkboard.
The National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) leads several cutting-edge research projects and initiatives that further our mission on collecting and disseminating objective information on the science and engineering (S&E) enterprise.

Latest News and Announcements

NCSES and the Bureau of Economic Analysis Release Experimental Statistics from a new Research and Development Satellite Account

The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) and the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) are collaborating on a research and development (R&D) satellite account that will expand R&D measures in the context of the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) and related national and state-level statistics. 
These BEA statistics include R&D’s contribution to GDP (R&D value added) and associated R&D employment and compensation for the nation and all 50 states and the District of Columbia. To learn more about this project, please visit Ongoing Projects and Initiatives. To view the new statistics, please visit BEA’s website.

NCSES is Now on LinkedIn!

NCSES has a new LinkedIn account. Follow our page for key statistical data on the latest trends and advancements in science and engineering education, workforce, and R&D.
Follow NCSES

NCSES Participates in Special Edition of Harvard Data Science Review

Data access and discovery continue to be popular topics of interest across the federal data ecosystem. As part of this dialogue, NCSES participated in a special issue of the Harvard Data Science Review (HDSR), Democratizing Data: Discovering Data Use and Value for Research and Policy, which highlighted the findings, successes, and lessons learned from the Democratizing Data pilot study and explored the potential of technology and artificial intelligence (AI) to build on these initial efforts. The pilot study seeks to understand how public data are being used in science, enabling the government to make more transparent, informed decisions about public investments. 
The four agency heads who participated in the pilot study sat down for a fireside chat hosted by the former U.S. Chief Statistician, Nancy Potok, to shed light on the significance of understanding data use to inform decision making. To listen to the chat, please visit The View from Four Statistical Agencies. To read the paper co-authored by NCSES as part of the special HDSR issue, please visit Search for How Data Have Been Used: Intuitive Labels for Data Search and Discovery

America’s Data Hub Consortium Is Seeking Stakeholder Input

America’s Data Hub Consortium (ADC) has recently launched its Idea Bank and is seeking ideas! Stakeholder input may be used to inform future project solicitations and other activities that ADC will undertake, including those to inform a potential National Secure Data Service. Ideas submitted will be shared publicly, so they must be nonproprietary and non-attributional.
To submit an idea, please visit ADC’s Idea Bank and complete the form.  

NSF Leads Analytics for Equity Initiative

The National Science Foundation (NSF), in partnership with the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, the White House Office of Management and Budget, and other federal agencies, is leading an exciting new initiative that aims to support social, economic, and behavioral science research that leverages federal data and scientific advances in researching equity-related topics for greater public benefit. The Analytics for Equity Initiative links researchers directly with federal agencies seeking to answer key research questions that agencies hope to answer in service of their priorities. The goal is to fund researchers to produce rigorous research and empirical evidence in equity-related topics that both federal agencies and other organizations can use to increase the impact of equity-focused evidence-based strategies.
Please visit the Analytics for Equity Initiative page for more information on participating agencies and related resources.

Ongoing Projects and Initiatives

America's DataHub Consortium

America’s DataHub Consortium (ADC) is a groundbreaking initiative sponsored by NCSES to collaborate with the Federal Statistical System. ADC advances NCSES’s mission by supporting exciting activities related to increased data access and sharing, strengthening infrastructure, and promoting innovative analysis across the S&E landscape. An article on this initiative, America's DataHub Consortium: Seeing — and Understanding — the Entire Elephant, is available through the National Science Foundation. 
In 2022, the ADC awarded five projects totaling $3.5M in funding. The projects aim to provide the government with a more comprehensive understanding of the availability and demand for global science and engineering training and talent. 
Interested in learning more? Please visit

Collaboration by NCSES and the Bureau of Economic Analysis on Global Value Chains and Intangibles

NCSES and the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) are collaborating on a new project to better understand production and use of research and development and other intellectual property products in global value chains (GVCs). In partnership with NCSES, BEA released its first prototype of data on value added trade in December 2021. These data provide new insights into the way U.S. knowledge- and technology-intensive (KTI) industries and other sectors of the economy interact in production and trade activities involving GVCs. For more information on KTI industries, please visit Production and Trade of Knowledge- and Technology-Intensive Industries. Science and Engineering Indicators 2022. 
On 16 March 2023, updated and expanded prototype statistics were published that look more deeply into U.S. exports, revealing the mix of foreign and domestic content used to make exported goods and services (also known as trade in value added; TiVA). TiVA statistics are part of a joint effort between BEA and NCSES to increase understanding of U.S. trade and global value chains—the increasingly complicated supply chains that can link multiple countries together in the stages to produce a final good or service. New TiVA data are available in BEA’s interactive tables. For more information, please visit BEA's Global Value Chains Web page. A blog article is also available that offers a closer look at these new TiVA statistics.

For more information on this project, please contact
Francisco Moris
[email protected] 

NCSES and the Bureau of Economic Analysis to Release Experimental Statistics from a new Research and Development Satellite Account

The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) and the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) are collaborating on experimental statistics that will expand research and development (R&D) measures in the context of the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) and related data. These BEA statistics include R&D’s contribution to GDP (known as R&D value added) and associated R&D employment and compensation for the nation and all 50 states and the District of Columbia. These measures will help answer questions such as
  • Which states have the largest R&D value added?
  • How is R&D activity spread across the states' GDP sectors?
  • How many jobs in each state are supported by R&D activities?
BEA issued the first statistics from this new R&D satellite account on 9 May 2024, including the first state-by-state numbers on R&D value added with corresponding employment and compensation statistics. View the new statistics on BEA's website. To learn more about this project, please visit BEA’s blog.

For more information, please contact
Francisco Moris
[email protected] 

Skilled Technical Workforce Initiative

One emerging research area for the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) is the skilled technical workforce (STW)—individuals who use science and engineering (S&E) skills in their jobs but do not have a bachelor’s degree. In response to interest from the National Academies' Committee on National Statistics, the National Science Board's STW Task Force, and the Innovations in Mentoring, Training, and Apprenticeships Act (2018), NCSES has established a STW Initiative in order to guide efforts to measure and understand the STW.
Workforce Statistics: The STEM Workforce of the United States.

Workforce Statistics: The STEM Workforce of the United States

Learn more about how the U.S. science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce fuels innovation and provides important contributions to the nation.
View and download PDF
In support of the STW Initiative, NCSES is proud to sponsor the National Training, Education, and Workforce Survey (NTEWS), which will launch late April 2022. The NTEWS serves to measure and understand the following research concepts of national interest:
  • The education, training, and career pathways of skilled technical workers.
  • The prevalence and interplay of education (postsecondary degrees and certificates), work credentials (certifications and licenses), and work experience programs among U.S. workers.
Additionally, the NTEWS will expand upon other NCSES surveys targeting the college-education workforce by providing new data on the workforce who do not have a bachelor’s degree or higher. The data from the 2022 NTEWS will serve as the baseline for future cycles and will contribute to NCSES's efforts to assess and support the STW.
Find out more about the STW Initiative here.